Employee Performance Management Software
Still using paper-based appraisal forms?
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You need Frequent Feedback!
If your organisation has up to 500 employees, Frequent Feedback – 3C’s software for driving effective performance conversations – is perfect for you!
Frequent Feedback is a mobile-enabled platform that makes giving frequent and effective feedback and coaching a breeze.
If you are still using paper forms, the chances are your colleagues will find appraisals a chore.
With Frequent Feedback, managers AND their teams can track progress, plan learning and have meaningful performance conversations.
With Frequent Feedback you can:
- help managers give practical feedback and coaching whether in a regular one-to-one or at any moment during the working day
- enable managers to coach and improve people’s performance, not just discuss tasks
- track which managers are giving feedback (and nudge those who aren’t)
- understand where performance is improving and where more effort is needed
- share powerful performance insight with leaders using easy-to-read data and charts
Above all, Frequent Feedback embeds a culture of coaching and feedback across your whole organisation, eliminating poor performance, supporting the development of talent and helping to meet goals.
What’s not to want?
Watch the demo video!
Contact us by email or by phone 01491 411544 to find out more or set up a demo meeting.