Can AI write your teams goals for you?

The short answer – Yes and No.

The nuanced answer:  AI can give you some well written examples of things you could include in a goal for a specific topic (i.e. customer service) and a function or industry sector.    Most answers tend to be structured with a broad ‘goal headline’ that reflects the language you used in your question, along with some example actions.

Is this enough?  Sadly – no.   AI could produce you a reasonably well written customer service goal that if delivered, would produce the OPPOSITE of what you want.

For example, suppose your organisation runs a ‘lowest cost’ business model – customer service is going to look very different than if the strategy is for premium products at premium pricing.  No matter how much detail you give AI, it won’t have the full picture of your strategy, context, constraints, culture…

15 years ago, 3C introduced the concept of a Goal Bank, a source of generic goals that could be tailored to your organisation.  Even with detailed tailoring, managers still need to do 20% of the work to create a good goal and link it to the golden thread of business strategy.   AI sourced goals work in a similar way.

However, managers will need to do 100% of the work to drive high performance and hold people accountable for results.  And they will need good goals to aid that process.

Goals that sit in a drawer, or on an IT platform, but aren’t used on a regular basis for managing performance are a waste of time, no matter how they are developed.

Over the coming weeks I’m putting the finishing touches to a new e-book that explores how AI can be helpful, and guides managers to spend their time adding value to ensure their teams are accountable and delivering high performance.   Watch this space!



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