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February 27, 2024What makes for a great competency framework?Competency frameworks should be useful tools to help managers and their teams ensure they have the rights skills and capabilities to do their jobs well. Sadly, this often results in very long complex documents where even phrases like ‘speaks clearly and positively’ seems to need defining at 7 different levels across multiple job families. I […]
January 25, 2024How to Motivate the UnmotivatedFollowing on from my recent post ‘How to Motivate and Engage your People’, you might also like to read this article published in January 2022, which will give you some useful tips on how to keep your people motivated and engaged. Hacks to Motivate the Unmotivated Hedda 01491 411 544 info@3cperform.co.uk
January 25, 2024How to Motivate and Engage your PeopleThere’s a lot of snake oil available to ‘solve’ the motivation challenge. Magic elixirs that will instantly give you a well-motivated and engaged team. Sadly, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. Motivating a workforce, consistently, over time, requires a deliberate, meaningful process. The main elements of motivation at work […]
December 5, 2023Three Challenges for Managers Leading Career ConversationsManagers can find talking about career opportunities with their direct report colleagues remarkably challenging. Three concerns come up repeatedly. 1. I don’t want to lose this person from my team It can be very hard to see a great team member move on. However much you know it is the right thing for them, it […]
November 3, 2023Coaching Poor PerformersDealing with poor performance is often a challenge for managers. It is generally good advice to ‘focus on the performance not the person’, to avoid getting too emotionally involved in the situation. However, if you want performance to improve, you are probably going to have to coach the individual in some way. At this point, […]
August 30, 2023Dealing with Difficult BehaviourYou may have noticed that the story of Spain winning the Women’s World Cup was quickly overtaken by a story about how the Spanish female players feel they are treated, triggered by a specific event on the pitch. In Spain, the story has grown into a major cultural turning point. Let’s be honest, none of […]
June 23, 2023Can a hostile environment for poor behaviour make a difference?At the Festival of Work last month, I had the privilege of hearing Lucy D’Orsi, Chief Constable of British Transport Police, talk about changing the culture within the police force. She began with admirable honesty, acknowledging that some groups of people felt very let down by the police – including women. She referenced the two […]
June 6, 2023Choosing the right Performance Management software for youWhy software matters When colleagues say ‘I hate appraisals’, it often turns out they hate bureaucratic, unhelpful software they have to use. There are many software platforms available, and no single platform could suit every organisation. Sadly, too many HR teams are forced to use the performance management module that ‘comes with’ whatever enterprise software […]
March 29, 2023How you manage performance is central to your organisation’s successAt 3C, we spend time with organisations who take performance seriously, who don’t want time wasted on pointless appraisals that everyone hates, but DO want to see: employees taking ownership of their performance managers actually managing performance an increase in productivity, impact and effectiveness So, here’s how we deliver: Many clients come to us with […]
February 28, 2023Performance RatingsSo it’s March, and you need to do performance reviews, and your organisation demands ratings. This is a tough one…how are you supposed to have a motivating conversation with a colleague and then sit in judgement over them? And if those ratings are tied to a financial payment – that’s even harder. You can support […]