Making Performance Related Pay Work for You
Create Value & Reduce Risks
A 2-hour workshop for Chief People Officers, Heads of Reward, HRDs and all involved in making decisions about pay and performance
Making Performance Related Pay Work for You
Could some form of performance related pay improve productivity in your organisation?
Is your current approach to performance related pay making the most of every penny available?
Are you de-motivating many of your employees through ratings and bonus systems that are past their sell-by date?
In times of tight budgets and rising costs, it’s vital that organisations pull every lever to maximise performance and create value.
Will performance related pay help you? It might – but it’s complicated, and it’s easy to get it wrong. That’s why we have created this workshop for all those involved in making decisions about pay and performance, based on the research reported in our up-to-the-minute White Paper – Making Performance Related Pay Work for You. If you would like to receive a copy of our white paper – email us here.
2-Hour Workshop for Chief People Officers, Heads of Reward, HRDs and all involved in making decisions about pay and performance
During this 2-hour workshop, you and your team will explore options in the light of latest thinking, your practical situation and case study evidence.
EMPLOYEE PERSPECTIVES: Do employees see positive links between performance and reward? Do employees know how to improve productivity?
DATA: Quantifiable benefits of current PRP. How is PRP success measured?
MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY: Quantifiable benefits of current PRP. How is PRP success measured?
LEADERSHIP GOALS: Does PRP support vision and strategy? How are leaders encouraging discretionary effort?
By the close of an intensive two hours, tailored to your organisation, you will have:
- developed a deeper understanding of how variable pay policies maybe
impacting your organisation performance currently - explored a range of potential PRP options to see if any could create
value for you - planned what you might need to do next in terms of data gathering/ leadership engagement/ management capability review/ employee engagement in order to align variable reward policies with organisation performance, strategy and goals
Following your workshop, 3C will write up key points of the discussion, summarise any recommendations, and suggest some next steps for you
to consider.
This document will make a sound basis for any internal presentation or
discussion about using variable pay amongst other strategies, to improve
organisation productivity and performance.
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Who we've worked with...
Since 2001, we’ve been transforming performance management in professional, engineering, financial, legal, academic, technical, and government organisations worldwide.