Make the most out of YOUR Performance Conversation

90-minute virtual workshop for employees

Make the most out of YOUR Performance Conversation

There are two people in every performance conversation, but for some reason, most organisations only offer training to one of them – the manager.

Modern performance management is a partnership between team member and team manager, and long gone are the days of sitting in judgement on someone.

A good performance conversation helps each employee learn from experience, prepare for what is to come, and get feedback on what’s working and what isn’t.

3C ensures all your staff are prepared for this very different, and much more effective approach to managing performance.   Old style appraisals rarely changed performance, except to demotivate those who felt unfairly criticised.

All that time, the effort and investment pretty much resulted in zero return.

Future Focused

Modern performance management conversations are future focused, and they are intentionally designed to improve performance, ensuring the effort of holding the conversations is worthwhile for the employee, the manager and organisation.  Otherwise – frankly, why bother?

Virtual Learning

We understand that offering a meaningful live experience to a workforce might feel a challenge.  Fortunately, the wide acceptance of virtual learning has opened up an excellent opportunity for your people to engage with the best of our workshop leaders at reasonable cost.

Workshop Overview

In this 90-minute ‘Make the most out of YOUR Performance Conversation’ virtual workshop, your people will:

  • explore what a good performance conversation looks like, for them, in your organisation
  • understand how a ‘learning from experience’ conversation is very different to an old-style appraisal
  • build the confidence to ask for clarity around performance expectations  – research suggests that over 50% of employees in many UK organisations say they don’t know ‘what good looks like’ in their role
  • learn how to prepare effectively, so they can make the most of the time available
  • practise using tools to help them think through their current performance and future development
  • recognise that even those who aren’t looking to progress or change roles need to think about what the future might hold, as the world of work and technology changes around them

We will tailor the workshop so it is aligned with your performance management approach, your values and strategies.

A 90-minute virtual workshop for a maximum of 15 delegates.

Nb. We run 2 x 90-minute virtual workshops per half day (AM or PM).


Clients say...

Thank you for today, your session was brilliant and exactly what they needed. It exceeded my expectations and to see the room so engaged and involved was an absolute joy . It is a testament to how useful people found today that they were starting to ask if their managers could have something similar.  A great result!

Dr Amanda Maclean, Head of OD, Canterbury Christ Church University

In November 2022 our employee engagement survey showed a marked increase in those agreeing that they understood what was expected of them, they were motivated and engaged.  In the spring of 2021 such results were unimaginable – the scale of cultural change, and sense of empowerment that our new approach to managing performance is having is fantastic.  We couldn’t have done it without the wisdom, experience and support of 3C.

Kerri-Ann O’Neill, Chief People Officer, Ofcom

I noticed a real difference in the quality of performance conversations I could have with my team after they had been on the ‘It’s My Conversation’ programme.  Conversations with those who had been on the programme were more meaningful, more constructive and a much better use of both of our time, compared with those who had not. I did the programme myself and found its approach deeply engaging and a very powerful learning experience.

Lucy Hoyte, Strategy Team Leader, Westminster City Council

“We couldn’t have designed our new approach to Performance Management without 3C.  They know their stuff, and work from a strong evidence base.  Engaging a large, global organisation is never easy– 3C have shown they understand our challenges and have most importantly helped us re-purpose our performance management to deliver our strategy as well as massively simplify the process for our workforce.”

Bernadette Bruton, Global Talent and OD Director, Aviva plc

"Fantastic use of tech.  Thank you - this was really thought-provoking, and thanks also to the actors Adam and Pippa for making it very engaging!"

‘Forum Theatre Live’ Delegate, Canterbury Christ Church University

Who we've worked with...

Since 2001, we’ve been transforming performance management in professional, engineering, financial, legal, academic, technical, and government organisations worldwide.